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Liang Tian#, Xuefei Li#, Fei Qi, Qian-Yuan Tang, Viola Tang, Jiang Liu, Zhiyuan Li, Xingye Cheng, Xuanxuan Li, Yingchen Shi, Haiguang Liu, Lei-Han Tang*. Harnessing peak transmission around symptom onset for non-pharmaceutical intervention and containment of the COVID-19 pandemic. Nature Communications 2021, 12(1):1147

Xuefei Li#, Tina Gruosso#, Dongmei Zuo, Atilla Omeroglu, Sarkis Meterissian, Marie-Christine Guiot, Adam Salazar, Morag Park*, Herbert Levine*. Infiltration of CD8+ T cells into tumor cell clusters in triple-negative breast cancer. PNAS 2019, 116(9):3678-3687

Xuefei Li#, Mohit Kumar Jolly#, Jason T. George, Kenneth J. Pienta, Herbert Levine*. Computational modeling of the crosstalk between macrophage polarization and tumor cell plasticity in the tumor microenvironment. Frontiers in Oncology 2019, 9:10;

Xuefei Li#, Rajesh Balagam#, Ting-Fang He, Peter P. Lee, Oleg A. Igoshin*, Herbert Levine*, On the mechanism of long-range orientational order of fibroblasts. PNAS 2017, 114(34):8974-8979

Xuefei Li and Herbert Levine*. Bistability of the cytokine-immune cell network in a cancer microenvironment. Convergent Science Physical Oncology 2017, 3(2): 024002.

Dongya Jia, Xuefei Li, Federico Bocci, Shubham Tripathi, Youyuan Deng, Mohit Kumar Jolly*, José N. Onuchic*, and Herbert Levine*. Quantifying cancer epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity and its association with stemness and immune response. Journal of Clinical Medicine 2019, 8(5): 725.

Bin Yu, Mei Yang, Lei Shi, Yandan Yao, Qinqin Jiang, Xuefei Li, Lei-Han Tang, Bo-Jian Zheng, Kwok-Yung Yuen, David K. Smith, Erwei Song, and Jian-Dong Huang. Explicit hypoxia targeting with tumor suppression by creating an “obligate” anaerobic Salmonella Typhimurium strain. Scientific Reports 2012, 2: 436.