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Shao, Bin, Jiawei Yan, Jing Zhang, Lili Liu, Ye Chen, and Allen R. Buskirk. "Riboformer: a deep learning framework for predicting context-dependent translation dynamics." Nature communications 15, no. 1 (2024)

Jong Hyun Park, Marcelo C Bassalo, Geng-Min Lin, Ye Chen, Hamid Doosthosseini, Joep Schmitz, Johannes A Roubos, Christopher A Voigt.  "Design of Four Small-Molecule-Inducible Systems in the Yeast Chromosome, Applied to Optimize Terpene Biosynthesis." ACS Synthetic Biology (2023).

Lin Wang, Xi Zhang, Chenwang Tang, Pengcheng Li, Runtao Zhu, Jing Sun, Yunfeng Zhang, Hua Cui, Jiajia Ma, Xinyu Song, Weiwen Zhang, Xiang Gao, Xiaozhou Luo, Lingchong You, Ye Chen, Zhuojun Dai. “Engineering consortia by polymeric microbial swarmbots”. Nature Commun. 13, 3879(2022)

曲泽鹏, 陈沫先, 曹朝辉, 左文龙, 陈业, 戴磊. 合成微生物群落研究进展. 合成生物学. 2020, 1(6): 621-634

Chen Y, Zhang S, Young EM Jones T, Densmore D & Voigt CA, "Genetic circuit design automation for the yeast"  Nature Microbio(11),1349-1360. (2020)

Alnahhas RN, Sadeghpour M, Chen Y, Frey AA, Ott W, Josić K & Bennett MR, “Majority sensing in synthetic microbial consortia.”  Nature Commun.  11, 3659 (2020)

Kim JK*, Chen Y*, Hirning AJ, Alnahhas RN, Josic K & Bennett MR, “Long-range temporal coordination of gene expression in synthetic microbial consortia” Nature Chem. Bio. (2019) 15, 1102–1109.

Chen Y*, Ho JML*, Shis DL, Gupta C, Long J, Wagner D, Ott W, Josić K & Bennett MR, “Tuning the dynamic range of bacterial promoters regulated by ligand-inducible transcription factors.” Nature Comm. 9, 64 (2018).

Chen Y*, Kim JK*, Hirning AJ, Josic K & Bennett MR, "Emergent genetic oscillations in a synthetic microbial consortium," Science 349, 986-989 (2015). 

 Masiello CA, Chen Y, Gao X, Liu S, Cheng HY, Bennett MR, Rudgers JA, Wagner DS, Zygourakis K & Silberg JJ, “Biochar and microbial signaling: Production conditions determine effects on microbial communication.” Environ. Sci. Technol. 47, 11496-11503 (2013). 

*equal contribution