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Chao Zhong(钟超)


Dr. Chao Zhong is currently a Principal Investigator at iSynBio and the center director for the newly established Materials Synthetic Biology Center (MSBC). Dr. Zhong received his B.E. in MSE from Tianjin University and his Ph.D. from Cornell University. He conducted his postdoctoral research at the University of Washington, Seattle, where he developed the first solid-state bioprotonic field-effect transistor. He then worked as a research associate at the MIT Synthetic Biology Center, where he developed self-assembling multi-protein underwater adhesives using a modular genetic design approach. Dr. Zhong has published more than 30 academic papers in international Journals such as Nat. Nano., Nat. Chem. Biol., Science Advances, Nature Communications, National Science Review, Materials Today, Advanced Materials etc. He is the recipient of several awards including ,the “Dawn” Scholar Program of Shanghai Education Commission.

材料合成生物学新兴领域。 课题组当前的研究兴趣包括: 1)活体功能材料; 2)半导合成生物学技术; 3)可编程生物材料及其应用。 
Research field: Material Synthetic Biology.  

Our group’s main research interests include: 1) Living functional materials; 2) Semi-conductor synthetic biology; 3) Programmable biomaterials and applications in biomedicine, bioenergy and bioelectronics. 

钟超博士, 本科毕业于天津大学材料科学专业,2009年获得美国康奈尔大学博士学位,曾先后在美国华盛顿大学(西雅图分校)材料系和麻省理工学院合成生物学中心从事博士后工作。回国后于2014年7月~2020年3月在上海科技大学任课题组长和研究员,并于2019年12月晋升为学校常聘教授(Tenured Professor)。自2019年3月起担任先进院合成所材料合成生物学中心主任和研究员。 
钟博士的研究领域是国际上兴起的材料合成生物学前沿领域,课题组主要研究方向是利用合成生物学技术发展新材料,包括活体功能材料和蛋白水下粘合材料。目前钟博士发表30多篇学术论文,包括发表在Nature Nanotechnology, Nature Chemical Biology, Science Advances, Nature Communications, National Science Review, Materials Today, Advanced Materials等杂志内的一作或通讯论文。相关成果授予世界或美国专利3项,在申请世界专利和国内专利各4项。获得上海曙光学者、上海浦江人才以及中国科学人杂志2019年度人物等荣誉,主持国家自然基金联合基金重点项目以及面上项目,国家海洋科学重点实验室开放基金,上海市基础专项重点项目基金以及等项目。