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Postdoctoral Fellow and Co-PI

Position Type: Full time

Number: 3-5

Location: ShenZhen


1.    已在国内外获得或即将获得博士学位;

2.    在所属领域取得优秀科研成果;

3.    优先考虑有以下研究经验:

         a. 神经生物学、合成生物学、分子生物学、表观遗传学、干细胞相关研究背景者;

         b. 熟悉基因编辑、各种测序以及单细胞测序方法、染色质结构或修饰、RNA结构功能相关研究背景者;


4.    团队合作意识强,认真负责的工作态度,积极创新的科研热情。

5.    英语读写流利,听说无障碍,具有独立负责和开展科研项目研究的能力。

聘后管理 :



1.     先进院院内博士后年薪21-34之间(含广东省+深圳市博士后生活补助)。

2.     协助获取深圳市人才安居工程3的住房补贴,深圳市新能源电动车90小时免费补贴。协助出站留深(3年以上工作合同)博士后申请30元的科研资助。

3.     科研业绩优秀、符合申请条件的博士后可以申请深圳市高层次人才或其他类别的人才优惠政策,获批后将获得深圳市的各类配套支持(博士后出站留深工作3年后可成功申请深圳市后备级领军人才,享受约160资助)。

4.     先进院提供国立科研机构的研究平台,海外归国留学人员为主的研究团队,自由开放的研究氛围。

5.     按员工待遇缴纳五险一金,按月发放用餐补助。在站工作期间计入我院工龄,可以参加院职称评定,并享受员工同等的其他福利待遇,出站优先留院工作。

6.     有1年以上留学经历者,如满足深圳市海外高层次人才标准要求,可申请孔雀人才补助(A300万;B 200万;C160万元)。

7.     户口、子女入园/学等待遇参照中科院深圳先进院有关规定执行。

深圳市海外高层次人才认定标准参考: tm


·          全额缴纳五险一金,餐费补助,定期体检,年终奖,科研成果转化奖,年终绩效组织奖,10+天带薪年假


      有意申请者请将申请材料(个人简历、代表性论文)发送至邮件主题请注明:应聘岗位+姓名+学校, 邮件中请简要介绍研究经历,和对于未来研究方向的设想)。副研究员和博士后岗位的申请者请提供至少两位推荐人的联系方式。

Laboratory and Position Description

The Ma Lab in Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SIAT) is inviting 3-5 motivated and talented postdocs with a strong background in Neuroscience, Stem Cell Biology, Synthetic Biology, Computational Biology or Genetics to join us.

Dr. Ma received her Bachelors degree from Beijing University.  She obtained her PhD from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, where she discovered new mechanisms for stem cell fate determination in Dr. Erika Matunis lab. She is the 2015 winner of the Hans Joaquim Prochaska Research Award. Dr. Ma did her post-doctoral training at the Stanford University under Dr. Howard Chang, where she investigated the function of long non-coding RNAs. She was awarded the Dean's Fellowship from Stanford University. The Ma Laboratory is focused on studying the non-coding genome using various systems. Particular interests include identifying functional non-coding regions during development and under disease conditions, dissection of non-coding genome function by genome redesign and synthetic genomes.



1. We prefer candidates who are about to complete a doctoral program or who have received a PhD within the past five years in China or abroad.

2. Candidates must be highly motivated and willing to conduct research independently.

3. Candidates are expected to have produced prominent research findings in the related field.

4. Candidates with the following research experience will be given primary consideration:

1)   Computational Biology 

a)   Candidates with research backgrounds in Computer Science and Bioinformatics.

b)   Experience in analyzing genome sequencing data, RNA-seq, ATAC-seq or other high-throughput sequencing data

c)   Experience in programming and data-mining.

2)  Neuroscience, Stem Cell Biology or Genetics

a)   With research experience in either of the following area: human genetics, mouse genetics, Drosophila system or synthetic biology.

b)   Familiar with cell culture, gene knock outs/knock ins using CRISPR or other related technologies. 

c)   Experience in RNA biology, molecular biology, and biochemistry.   

d)   Experience in high-throughput sequencing

Salaries and Benefits

1. The annual salary is around 210,000-340,000RMB, which includes the postdoctoral subsidy provided by the Sheng Zhen government.

2. We will give assistance to successful candidates in applying for a housing subsidy (30,000 RMB) provided from “The Housing Project for Talents” by the Sheng Zhen government; in addition, according to the “Green-Car Subsidy Program” of Sheng Zhen City, green vehicles are also available for free use within a time limit of 90 hours.

3. We will give assistance in applying for research grants (300,000 RMB) to postdocs who have signed employment contracts for at lease 3 years , and who decide to settle in Sheng Zhen when successfully finish their research.

4. Some excellent and eligible postdocs can apply for the “Sheng Zhen High-level Talents Fund” or other funds in accordance with Sheng Zhen talent introduction policies; For instance, those who have more than 3-years’ working experience in Sheng Zhen after finishing their postdoctoral researches are eligible for the Sheng Zhen Leading Talents Policy and will be awarded around 1600,000 RMB.

5. As an overseas returnees-based institution, SIAT is a national scientific research institution with a dynamic atmosphere where talented individuals can fully develop their interests.

6. After signing the formal labor contracts (for them to be eligible for “peacock plan”), the candidates are entitled to our welfares benefits. These include the endowment insurance, medical insurance, unemployment insurance, and work-related injury insurance, as well as childbirth insurance and housing accumulation funds.

7. Those with  overseas education background over 1 year and eligible for Sheng Zhen oversea high-level talents policies are qualified to apply the funds from the “peacock plan”.

(A level-3million RMB; B level-2minllion RMB, C-level 1.6million RMB)

The eligibility criteria for the “peacock plan” can be found at the following website:

Subsidy standards for overseas high-level talent in Sheng Zhen:   

Application process

Interested and qualified candidates should send an email describing their motivation and research interests along with a CV and representative publications to Please give a clear indication of your research area in the subject of your email.