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DRY Lab: Phage Bioinformatics

Bacteriophage is the most abundant and diverse biological entity on the earth. We are developing various bioinformatics tools (culture-independent methods) to identify phage sequences in the environmental metagenomics datasets and investigate the role of the phage in a given ecosystem.

WET Lab: Phage Synthetic Biology

Bacteriophage-bacterial host interactions have been exploited by scientists as tools to understand basic molecular biology, genetic recombination events, horizontal gene transfer, etc. Recent progresses in sequencing technologies, DNA manipulation, and synthetic biology allow scientists to engineer phage genomes.

APPL.: Phage Therapy

Phages have also been recognized and exploited as natural antimicrobial agents, but their potential as therapeutics has not been fully exploited because of challenges such as narrow host range, bacterial resistance, etc.. However, increasing concerns related to the emergence of bacterial resistant to multiple antibiotics have heighlighted the interest in phage therapy and the development of strategies to overcome hurdles associated with bacteriophage therapeutics. ​